Today's Special!! Shout it loud and clear!
So, if you haven't been to "What the Deuce" I'd say you ought to click on over to it after reading this. The link to it is right there on the right. No further, scroll down a little. Little more. There it is! You will see how it is somewhat related to this post.Ever heard of Cold Heat? Well, now you have... It's a new quickie infomercial. You know... like a commercial? Right. So in the 'mercial it's a soldering iron. BATTERY POWERED!!! Get's hot in an instant (0-300°F in 0.1 second, 0-800°F in 0.3 second) and cools off in another instant. Amazing! So I scoured the city for one. On their webpage, it has a list of stores that have Cold Heat soldering irons. Cold Heat. Just saying the name is enough to make the solder get all hot in your pants. (Yes, SOLDER!!!) Anyway, nobody has these fucking things! Went to RiteAid, several Duane Reades, Home Depot, PC Richards. Then Goldmine! RadioShack. Turns out what I bought tonight was a RadioShack brand of battery powered sodering iron that uses Cold Heat technology. Well, I used it. It's almost as easy as the 'mercial makes it seem.
My headphones are now in working order and I've saved 80 bucks on a new set of noise cancelling (canceling?) headphones. And I've also managed to satisfy my masculine urge to fix something by myself, without burning down the house, etc.
As seen on TV. Crazy shit man.
I don't get it! I don't know! I am the One... Cold heat? You mean, cold-then-hot? Or, cold-then-hot-then-cold again? Or, like some unknown dimension where cold is like heat, and you get cold waves from a source of cold??? here is my $0.02, and these were the best 2 cents ever, EVER!!
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