Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Internet Dating

So... I've been a non-paying member of for quite some time. Met some people, they're nice, met some others, they suck. This is the up and down action of viewing the profiles and making decisions based on them. Too bad people are retarded when it comes to actually making those profiles.
So it seems that The girls I see on online dating sites don't seem to understand that they're not in a bar. It's not some lie-fest where you have to impress someone so that they will buy you a drink, or even dinner. It is a forum that can be used to put your real persona on the web for all to see and judge. If you're not comfortable, stop polluting the fucking sites with your bullshit. Go back to the bar and slut it up for some dude who can barely stand up, but can run his overdrawn credit card well enough to get you even more sloshed.
Guys, stop fucking lying to the girls about your height, income, and build. Oh and hair. Be proud of who you are. If you're online, chances are you're not doing well in the bars, so stop trying to use bar mentality. Girls are liars, guys are liars. Someone has to make the decision to be honest. Besides me that is...
Another thing... if you want me to read your profile, or continue anyway, then read mine! At least give me the same respect that you would want afforded to you! I'm not such a huge dick to people I don't know. I'm only a dick after the amount of time has passed where I can honestly asses you suck. So try not to suck (physically is ok, it's the mentality of sucking I dislike). Chances are you don't suck fulltime, instead you just suck because you're trying to be someone you're not, as in, you lied on your profile and now I'm finding out how much of a liar you are, (or delusional-you may actually believe that your profile is an honest reflection of you in which case, get help.) and you're pissed that I'm so perceptive. Well, fucking grow up!
You suck at the bar, you suck at knowing yourself, stop making me think you could be someone real and true and get the fuck off the planet! You're wasting MY oxygen.
Oh yeah, jDate, MySpace, Friendster. It's all the same. A virtual meat-market, with all the stats you could want, except the truth. Be honest, it makes a difference in the long run, I promise. More to come...